Jun 19·edited Jun 19

All of us have less or no experience in buying footballers, scouting them and as you say building squads and leading a football club. The reality is are two sporting directors and others around them like Joe Shields have far more experience than all of us put together and therefore it’s about time we started trusting them, giving them time to build the football club and then review what they’ve done over a decent period of time (3 to 4 years) when we can really review the work that they are doing up to now, currently and then in the immediate future. Thanks for your article The Score which as always makes sense.

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Said on the other article; Guirassy makes so much sense to me. Him, Olise and Tosin would be a very very good window in my view

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19

Balanced article thank you, the goals certainly came last season and Nicholas Jackson whilst not getting the credit for what he acheived improved in leaps and bounds and i do think he in a couple of seasons will be leading the line for us, hopefully terrorising defenses.

The comments you've made mirror my own although i'd be a touch stronger the SD's need to learn to play poker i.e. when to bid, hold or fold and the striker position is certainly one were they need to be extremely clever I want to see them make a good choice and not another Daviedo Fofana who went out on loan and apparently isnt being considered for back up striker but rather for another loan or even sale if they can make a profit.

The current position re goals is great unless we get major injuries to our scoring players so therefore the back ups need to be able to hit the ground running in the event of major injuries.

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Like the article’s optimistic use of stats from last season. Want to believe that things can only get better re goals in 24-25. But players will have a new coaching team and be playing a new system. Doesn’t that make use of last season stats a bit uncertain?

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Guirassy makes sense sunce day one but why we aren't on it yet I don't know. Give him 6 y contract so it can play and even be sub for Jackson and or Nkunku in 2 3 years or so and....you are covered!!!

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The more we talk about this, the more Jackson seems like he’ll be the proven seasoned striker (even though still work in progress). Suggest you & Si put your heads together & have a joint rant to see if you can get through to the decision makers😉

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