Aug 21Liked by Luke Rushbrook

Hi Luke. I really like the loan army articles you put up as that info isn’t really easily available to find in one place. Was just thinking whether it might be worth doing something similar on what’s happening with the academy teams/players occasionally - an academy round up? Also we don’t really hear a lot about the women’s team on this blog. With a new coach and the success the women’s team have I’d find it interesting to know a bit more about what’s going on with them.

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I will definitely do that! It’s not always easy to get stats etc on youth football but I’ll do my best and the women’s team segment is a definite!!

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Luke before I saw Samantha‘s comment I was going to ask something similar. Something about our own youth and under 21s would be very interesting perhaps with profiles on specific players that we should keep an eye on within the club.

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Well that opened my eyes Sam… tbh I have absolutely no interest in the women’s team, but would like an “occasional” brief on the Academy side.

However the point is if there is demand for it Luke it makes sense to produce it.

After all only so many hours in the day I can avoid reading it lest I actually find it addictively interesting.

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Hi Luke, great article at a tough time. We all wait and see what this season brings and none of us really know what to expect with this upcoming campaign if we're honest, strange days indeed. It's great to have this community where we can all share our thoughts and feelings.

I would love to see an article called something like, 'what ever happened to'

Based on players from our club that's disappeared especially those before social media. For instance, we once had a player called Jerry Murphy who had the best left foot and I don't know what became of him and dozens of others and I think it would be an interesting read for us long time supporters

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Thanks Luke always a good read and it’s good to hear different opinions. My trust in the ownership is paper thin but when the players are on the pitch no matter if it’s the men’s team, the women’s team or the U18’s they are supported. It’s not just about winning I’m 65 so I remember when we lost more than we won, it’s about being proud to be a fan of Chelsea Football Club and at the moment I’m not.

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Hi Luke how about some scout reports on our own players in a game, or some that have been linked in the past or some sold on and playing now for xyz...

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