
Amorim, Hoeness, Xavi & McKenna are being profiled

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Has to be Reuben Amorim

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Got your work cut out here, Luke! 👏🤣

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None of them fill me with confidence. I was starting to look forward to next season with some hope but now it could be another shit show like the season before. They just want a yes man but the best managers aren’t.

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The problem is not the manager right now. The problem is why they replace them like napkins!!! They'll never find their YES boy.

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Knowing the board there’s a man down the chip shop says he is Elvis and Chelsea have offered him the managers job.😬

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Jesse Marsch, anyone? 😀

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Has to be Gasperini of Atalanta surely - lots of white hair but young at heart and easily solve the striker problem with Lookman of Wandsworth !!

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Wow some difficult decisions

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