May 21Liked by Luke Rushbrook

If we can get Xavi, he’d be my first choice

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May 21Liked by Luke Rushbrook

I gotta be honest Luke at this particular stage, I really couldn’t care. I heard earlier in the season how supporters were we’re not finding it easy to support Chelsea. That’s how I feel tonight.

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May 21Liked by Luke Rushbrook

I hate to say this, and mean it in no way as demeaning, but most fans would have never watched 90% of the listed managers so far enough to form a real opinion. From personal experience, I have no time to watch Sporting, Ipswich, Stuttgart, Etc. with the amount of time I invest into Chelsea. Most people will be forming opinions strictly off their favorite social media accounts. Especially with the caliber of managers on the list.

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That’s the idea of my article Derrick, so that I can give people more information to form an opinion

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No doubt! Always interesting times when it comes to this. I do appreciate seeing everyone’s thoughts for sure

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May 21Liked by Luke Rushbrook

I have to be blunt at the moment this has been a backward step no sensible manager will touch it with a barge pole they will just get the blame when it goes wrong and Egbali and crew get off Scot free again

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May 21Liked by Luke Rushbrook

Why bother? At some point Chelsea will decide to reinvent the wheel by being the first manager-less club in the premier league. The first 11 will be decided upon by data driven aspects executed by Winstanley and Stewart. Subs will be made according to the mean average of Dutch national team substitutions because Dutch players have a history of showing leadership. Additionally Clearlake will decide that a virtual stadium will both save money on the rebuild and allow fans all over the world to enjoy the premier league experience from the comfort of their sofas. All Chelsea games will be played on green screen allowing supporters to immerse themselves in a virtual reality matchday experience.

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Don’t give them ideas, they read these comments apparently!

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May 21Liked by Luke Rushbrook

Another re-start with a completely new coaching team so don’t expect too much next season. The owners want to sell the academy players for pure profit because they overpaid for most of the players they brought in and some of them aren’t even very good. We are linked with two championship managers so it might be Potter all over again. Poch certainly hasn’t been perfect but I am concerned about all the excitement about another manager.

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May 21Liked by Luke Rushbrook

Looking forward to Europe! Kids with no European experience, manager with no European experience, what can go wrong 😂

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May 21Liked by Luke Rushbrook

Winstanley with Stewart as his assistant.

It's the only way they lose their jobs.

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May 21Liked by Luke Rushbrook

Sebastian Hoeneß

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He's literally the only option that'll make me give the sporting directors the benefit of the doubt that they may of actually had a plan!

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May 21Liked by Luke Rushbrook

According to reports the owner's would love a young manager in to mirror the current 'Xabi Alonso' effect, this leads me to a 'Welcome back Cesc'. I'm all for it as he has a big future in the managerial game with his football IQ I strongly believe.

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I like an idea floated by The Score, Xavi with Cesc as assistant

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May 21Liked by Luke Rushbrook

I'm all for that, both have strong connections with each other from there playing days so it's possible! Would absolutely love to see that

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May 21Liked by Luke Rushbrook

Fáb was at Cobham on Friday, visiting Poch and the squad. As was Ron Harris. Although I think Chopper might not fancy the job.

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May 21Liked by Luke Rushbrook

Amorim for me. Bring Gyökeres with him while you’re at it

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May 21Liked by Luke Rushbrook

Thiago motta

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May 21Liked by Luke Rushbrook

Rainieri has just left Cagliari ;-) :-)

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May 21Liked by Luke Rushbrook

Not really interested in any of them. We’re an absolute circus and there certainly isn’t anyone out there who screams out as being anything like a surer thing than Pochettino.

I want Winstanley and Stewart gone. Absolute charlatans.

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May 21Liked by Luke Rushbrook

Honestly don’t know Luke. Reports saying we want young and progressive manager yet Thomas Frank, a 51 year old is in the list… If the people in charge spent 2 long months of exhaustive search to appoint Poch but then fallout with him in a season, how the hell are we supposed to trust the same people to hire a better manager this time around? The reality is this club is in shambles.. fuck the owners and sporting directors!

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May 21Liked by Luke Rushbrook

Winstanley and Stewart as clearly they think it’s easy to get into the top 4 with a bunch of potential

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May 21Liked by Luke Rushbrook

We will see better names tomorrow, I can see us going for Motta or Xavi. Cesc would be my long shot - I did think it was strange him being at Cobham the other day.

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