What does young manager really mean! Basically they haven’t got a clue who they really want they just like what Alonso is doing in Germany. It’s like kids in a sweet shop. The only managers that will come will be thinking I will do a year get sacked then get a huge pay off. It feels like a project of incompetence.

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Football365 have an article which sums up everything I’ve said. It’s headlined.

Pochettino sacked as Chelsea brains trust choose the path of unsalvageable stupidity

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Tbh ive been patient for 2 years with this and just when we are making progress its blown up, the club need to commuicate with the fans or give us some hope there is a plan, what i dont understand is 1 we all knew Poch potentially could walk or be sacked or mutual agreement surely the SD and clearlake have beem plannong for such a eventuality 2 fuck this appoitment up and the SD need firing alongside CEO

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Si, has there been ANY discussion of DOF? Or is that just us talking about it?

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Good point Nick if I remember correctly it costs the club £25 million to settle the 2nd year of Poche and his teams contracts

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